What we do

Our Focus

The Alloksys team has created a ground-breaking new treatment called RESCAP® for critical care patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery.

In a recent phase 2b clinical study results indicate a significant reduced time – 30% less – to hemodynamic stability in patients with a normal renal filtration rate receiving RESCAP® compared with placebo and also a decreased likelihood of post-surgery acute kidney injury.

We are excited about the potential for RESCAP® to revolutionize care in this area.

Our Approach

Alloksys takes a collaborative and patient-centric approach to drug development, guided by a commitment to scientific excellence and ethical standards.

We work closely with patients, healthcare professionals, regulators, and investors to ensure that our therapies are grounded in strong clinical evidence and meet the needs of those who stand to benefit from them.

Our approach combines rigorous research and development with strategic partnerships and a focus on targeting indications with high unmet medical need and significant market potential.

Our Projects

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Scientific Publications

Explore our publications to gain valuable insights into our scientific approach, methodologies, and the transformative impact of RESCAP®

The invention of alkaline phosphatase as a health relevant enzyme

Poelstra, K., Bakker, W.W., Klok, P.A., Kamps, J.A., Hardonk, M.J. and Meijer, D.K., 1997. Dephosphorylation of endotoxin by alkaline phosphatase in vivo. The American journal of pathology, 151(4), p.1163.

Patient studies with RESCAP: Possible therapeutic strategies

Kats, S., Schönberger, J.P., Brands, R., Seinen, W. and van Oeveren, W., 2011. Endotoxin release in cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: pathophysiology and possible therapeutic strategies. An update. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery, 39(4), pp.451-458.

Patient studies with RESCAP: Safety and efficacy data

Keizer, H., Kats, S., Christis, I., Heylen, R., Oosting, R., Seinen, W. and Brands, R., Safety and efficacy data of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study with the biological response modifier “bRESCAP” in patients undergoing cardiac surgery (APPIRED II).

Supportive literature on the potential of RESCAP (alkaline phosphatase)

Kaliannan, K., Hamarneh, S.R., Economopoulos, K.P., Nasrin Alam, S., Moaven, O., Patel, P., Malo, N.S., Ray, M., Abtahi, S.M., Muhammad, N. and Raychowdhury, A., 2013. Intestinal alkaline phosphatase prevents metabolic syndrome in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(17), pp.7003-7008.

Our Impact

RESCAP® intervention has the potential to prevent inflammation and its serious consequences, accelerate patient recovery in the ICU, and provide an improved quality of life. This intervention offers patients a greater chance of successful recovery and overall well-being.